
Inspiration and Motivation

Sometimes my life can be much less than inspiring. Weeks can feel like months, months can seem like years, and the days can feel like epic expeditions into vast frontiers of absolute nothingness. Sometimes life seems like it has no worth, and I feel like I'm just sitting around waiting for a strong gust of wind to take me someplace far away where my life could have more purpose and potential. I know that sounds awfully negative, but I think these feeling are normal from time to time. I believe these down slopes of life are necessary to become re-inspired.

On the other hand I have made many good memories over the years. I've always done pretty much what I've wanted to do in my life, save some exceptions. I've spent a lot of time traveling and playing music, and all the time in between I've spent working and saving money to make these ridiculous adventures possible.

Some of those adventures I have documented in journals. Unfortunately most are not, but the memories are still ingrained somewhere deep inside my brain. Documenting those memories has always been one of my ambitions. More for my own sake, to make it easier to look back and remember all the good and bad times I have had over the years.

I love to write, and I love to tell stories. Not really sure I'm good at either, but nonetheless both activities give me pleasure. I've been wanting to start a personal zine for years. I have started writing material on many different occasions, but I always get side tracked with another project and end up starting again from scratch. As for story telling, I tend to drag out stories, and my audience looses interest. I've been accused of telling "old man stories" where I include details that aren't very pertinent. I also tend to tell stories that aren't very interesting, sometimes I just a string together a group of events with no climax, but I don't realize it until it gets to the end. But once and a while I tell a good one that's fit well for the situation.

My goal with this blog is to tell the good stories, and the bad ones, but write them in such a way where I don't feel I'm wasting anybody's time. So there is my inspiration and motivation for this particular project, I don't think I tied it together all that well, but it's all there. Maybe I'll edit over time and make it more fluid, until then, thanks for reading.
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